ddrboy's Diaryland Diary


Ddr's Harvest!

I just got off the phone with Gus and I'm sitting here, writing this in tears.

Happy tears!

He said something to me that he hasn't said in almost a week. It's something he says I should know and that he shouldn't have to say it all the time. That I should feel it and always keep it with me. He said,

I Love You!

He told me once, that he's not a big emotion peep. That I should know he loves me and that he doesn't have to tell me that everyday.

The thing was, he didn't say it since last Tuesday. You know, the day before Jeremy. All this fucking week, I kept thinking that he don't love me no more. That he wants to break up, cause he's tired of my flirting, my lies and shit. I am so paranoid ever since he moved out. Fuck!

I feel bad that I thought all this shit, like him cheating, him lying to me or other nasty shit. But that's me, and insecure bitch.

I love you baby and I'm sorry for all the shit that's gone through my head. I love you.

In other news...


I'm thinking about making my own template again. I need something more organized. It's becoming a mess at the bottom...NO GAY JOKES PLEASE! Ha ha!

Also, the afghan that I started, got unraveled, so I'm starting anew and with color, not just white. I have to start it, stick to it, and finish it. I can't let my mother be right. Not getting into that.

The Friday Five for May 9, 2003:

1. Would you consider yourself an organized person? Why or why not?

Yes, I would. My only problem is, I'm lazy. For instance, my room is a pigsty. I haven't cleaned it since Gus moved out. Everything is all over the floor. Magazines, books, and some clothes. Sheesh!

2. Do you keep some type of planner, organizer, calendar, etc. with you, and do you use it regularly?

No...Too lazy now. I used to YEARS ago.

3. Would you say that your desk is organized right now?

N. O.

4. Do you alphabetize CDs, books, and DVDs, or does it not matter?

Ooh, I'm anal about that, but once again, I'm too lazy to fix my cd collection. I haven't fixed my folders or my cases. I have over 200 CD's. Bought CD's, not burned. Which reminds me, I have to buy Madonna's American Life.

5. What's the hardest thing you've ever had to organize?

My room. I never get it exactly the way I want it. Ugh!

This-or-That Tuesday for May 13, 2003:

1. Packrat or Minimalist?

Fuck. LOL!

2. Computer: desktop or laptop?

Desktop. A Gateway to be precise. :)

3. Seashore or mountains?

Seashore. To see the sunsets of California!

4. Carpeting or bare floors?

Bare floors for my allergies, carpeting for my soul.

5. Drinking water: bottled or tap?

Bottled for travel and looks, tap for the price.

6. Shopping websites: eBay or Amazon?

None. I'm a mall type of person!

7. Cute little kitties or big scary tigers?

Oh no. I would have to go for the kitties. I think they are too cute...>_<

8. Front door or back door?

For you pervs...back door. For the questions, I don't know. I've always lived in apartments, except for that condo we once had. Three floors, but only one front door. I guess, the front door.

9. Lots of jewelry, or little/none?

Just a wedding band, please!

10. Thought-provoking question of the week: At the last minute, you obtain tickets to an event you're dying to attend. However, you have to work that day! Do you ask the boss for the time off, or just call in sick?

"Hi, I'm calling in sick for..."

10:28 p.m. - Monday, May. 12, 2003


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