ddrboy's Diaryland Diary


Me, in a 1000 words or less!

All About Me

I'm a 21 year old, gay male, living in Alhambra/San Gabriel, California. I'm like 5 minutes out of Los Angeles. I'm 5'9, currently..Ha ha ha...190 lbs., Dark brown eyes, and dark hair at the moment(my hair color changes alot).

I live at home right now...I'm unemployed if that says anything. I live with my mom and grams. I love them both, but they get so on my nerves, it kills me! Fuck. But I owe them my life. They have taught me everything I know. My dad left when my grams came to live with us. In '83, when I was like 3??? My grams is very possesive and she didn't like him. So he left, instead of my grams. Wow...

I've had issues and probs growing up. People dying on me, AIDS, alcoholism, sexual shit, and diabetes. Fuck! Now, I'm opening up to the world and telling some peeps for the first time this, but I'm diabetic.

Yep, that's me!

Don't worry y'all, I don't have AIDS or any other STD's, but HIV/AIDS has messed with my life. My step-daddy died of it, he got it...I think...from his boyfriend. Yep, he was gay. My mom and he fell in love, that's what he told her. He told her that he loved her, I know she did. He left us in '92, cause he was getting sick and he didn't want me to get sick. So he went back home to Kentucky and died there. I miss him, and I wish to change my name to his last name, to keep his name and legacy going. It's a very rare surname, but it's out there and I like it. He was a dad to me more than my blood daddy.

Now, if you've read any part of my diary and noticed that I get drunk, it's true, I shouldn't drink. First, cause it's in my blood and second, it's fucking up with my meds and my diabetes. But I wanna have fun and I know my limit. Alcoholism is the reason that my uncle died. He drank too much, and so did the rest of my uncles ( I have 3, counting the one that died). My other uncles stopped drinking when he died. So, that's why I should watch it.

The sexual shit...it's personal, and the world don't have to know, I'll just say that it was tough and fun at the same time.

I've been diagnosed with Diabetes type I for 6 years now...and counting. It's been tough. I'm on many meds, and if I don't watch it, I can lose a limb or an organ. Ha, I just need to be careful. I got it cause my mom, grams, all uncles, some aunts, dad, and more peeps have it. It's like the family jewels, passed down from generation to generation.

Don't worry your little heads off, I'll be ok.

I consider myself a romantic. I like to watch movies at home, with someone in my arms. Walks on the beach at sunset, hand in hand, just talking about our future...if we have one.

I like all kinds of music. I am currently in love with Bj�rk. She is awesome. I'm not into Hip-Hop, but if you put some on and I ask you who that is, that means I like it. I don't rule out music just cause it's not popular or all that!

I'm into videogames. I love them. I play them when I can, but since I can't hook them up to the tv in my room, they are all put away in my closet.

I love to read, cook, iron, wash the windows...I'm a housewife. That's the easy way to describe me. Now I just need a man to be his wife! Ha ha ha!

To make a longer story short, I'm just me! Take me as I am, cause I know for shit, I'm not changing for anyone. I've tried and it ain't pretty.


1:39 a.m. - Sunday, Jul. 14, 2002


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