ddrboy's Diaryland Diary


Helping the world is a good thing!


My name is Richard F. I am here to tell you to help out the world a little each day. Below, are a few buttons I would like you to click every time you visit my diary. Although I would like you to click on them everyday, you can help out the world a little bit right now. Just scroll down, read a little and click, click, click!


In less than five seconds, visitors to The Child Health Site can click on the "Help a Child - Click Here" button and, at no cost to them, save young lives and help children stay healthy. How? Each click - free to the visitor - generates funds paid by site sponsors. The majority of this funding goes to The Child Health Site's charity partners, who use the funds to:

Distribute vitamin A strengthening young immune systems and improving resistance to disease. Vitamin A supplementation also prevents as many as 400,000 cases of childhood blindness each year,

administer oral re-hydration formula to children with severe dehydration, a serious killer of children under five worldwide,

make a prosthesis (usually a foot or a leg) to enable child amputees to walk and lead active lives,

restore lost eyesight through simple surgeries that reverse blindness caused by cataracts and trachoma,

test pregnant mothers for HIV as a step toward preventing mother-to-child transmission of the AIDS virus.

An estimated one billion of the world's people face relentless poverty and chronic hunger. 24,000 will die today. 75% are children.

In addition to this chronic hunger, 30 million people in southern and eastern Africa are at risk of starvation in the coming months. Drought, flooding and economic collapse have brought on major food shortages in at least eight African nations.

There is hope that full-fledged famine can be averted, but only if support is given now! Please spread the word about the hunger crisis in Africa, and let others know that a click on The Hunger Site supports short-term food aid and longer-term solutions aimed at turning the tide of hunger in Africa and around the world.

Every click sends out a ripple of hope to a person in need, and together, our clicks change the world. Each time you invite someone to visit The Hunger Site, your impact -- and the Circle of Hope -- grows. Thank you for helping us give help and hope to as many people in need as possible!

43,300 women are lost each year -- that's one mother, sister, daughter or friend every 12 minutes. Join the Chain of Hope, and help save lives.

Early detection is the key to survival of breast cancer. Every click at The Breast Cancer Site sends out a ripple of hope, helping to make early detection possible for women in need.

Each time you invite a friend or loved one to visit The Breast Cancer Site, your impact grows, as does the Chain of Hope. With a shared goal of reaching as many women as possible with the priceless gift of early detection, there is no limit to what we can do.

Please become a link in the Chain of Hope by clicking every day on the "Fund Free Mammograms" button and encouraging others to do so.

Please take a minute and help us spread the word about The Animal Rescue Site. By telling 10 friends about this fast, free way to provide a bowl of food to an animal in need, you will make a real impact on the over 27,000 defenseless animals who are harmed or dying every day. In 2002, The Animal Rescue Site hopes to provide over five million bowls of food for animals currently in shelters or sanctuaries.

Over ten million animals are abused, neglected or abandoned by humans yearly. Please click daily and tell others about how they can help by visiting The Animal Rescue Site.

Each click on the "Save Our Rainforests" button plants a seed of hope. Hope for one of Earth's most precious habitats and the amazing biodiversity it holds.

By spreading the word to friends and family, you increase the number of clicks, thereby increasing the amount of rainforest land protected.

Since The Rainforest Site's launch in 2000, visitors' clicks have funded preservation of more than 9,000 acres of endangered forest around the world. That's more than 14 square miles, or 396,396,000 square feet!

That's no small feat. According to The Nature Conservancy, a typical four square mile patch of rainforest contains up to 1,500 flowering plants, 750 species of trees, 125 mammal species, 400 species of birds, 100 reptile species, 60 species of amphibians, and 150 species of butterflies.

The more clicks, the more land (and species) saved. Please click every day, and let others know about this free and easy way to make a difference.

3:21 p.m. - Thursday, Dec. 12, 2002


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